suggestions on my anniversary
Hey All of you i just wanted thank you all for commenting on my blog
it's really great to hear from you all
Nothing new except my 4 year anniversary comming up in September 14.
Yay i want to it to be speacial. Relationships are very important because you learn
so much together. This year i have a theme it's called Nature i want it to be a cheap date but have exciting stuff to do. Richard and i used to go to the western fair which if you ask richard about
our first date he will tell you he spent a fortune on me. Through the years we are learning to find great things to do with out making it expensive. also it's a reflection of what we learned and what we can change.about the realtionship. I thought i would write you this blog to ask if can give me a suggestion about what i can do. i know i'm suppose to plan it all myself but i would really appreciate some insight on what you think a perfect date or romantic Nature activity would be.
I am so excited because i hardly see Richard because we work in 2 different locations in ontario
Thanks everyone Love all of you God Bless You